重拾繁華夢:與「木蘭」共賞古董珠寶百年風華 / ART DECO FANTASY。歐立利reports

視覺|Phoebe CHAN


被尊為「浪漫主義夢想家」的Art Deco裝飾藝術風格,跨越百年後依舊難掩其最奢華的面孔。人們開始追憶那繁花似錦的20世紀30年代,於是將情懷寄託在Art Deco身上。在一直崇尚藝術為生活服務的木蘭Deco Gallery總經理張繼欄眼中,Art Deco的復興不是讓人們回歸到最初的生活,那是一種情懷的延續──優雅、精緻、處處傳情,轉身即風景。從「木蘭」充滿藝術氛圍的空間中就完全能感受的到,一桌一椅一沙發,一壺一茶一香氛,處處流露出最精緻的氣息。

京城9月,於木蘭Deco Gallery,世界頂級珠寶商Paul Fisher掌門人Marianne攜150件Art Deco古董珠寶優雅亮相。在Marianne的介紹中,是殘酷的戰爭改變了女人在社會中的角色,並重新定義新的流行與時尚,其中最具代表性的就是Coco Chanel。她以顛覆傳統的風格,如短髮、戴羽毛的裝飾、長串的珍珠和珠寶、線條流暢的服裝等,重新塑造了女性的時尚與形象。

時光回轉至20世紀至30年代,從西方巴黎到東方上海,Art Deco藝術風格在這一時刻實現了東西方的跨越,意外「重逢」,這樣的巧合讓人有點詫異。翻開《良友》,才發現當時的女性,思想之大膽與出位,與當前相比無不及只有過之。她們熱議政事,她們表達生活態度,她們追隨藝術潮流,她們還把文學和新思潮當作最時髦的玩意兒。在那二十年間的世態風情錄,成為了風行八十年的《良友》最有價值的一部分。

在珠寶設計方面,以線形對稱與幾何圖形為主要特徵的Art Deco藝術風格,已不能完全體現她們對於自由表達的情烈願望,於是她們從印度的東方魅惑中汲取最繁複的裝飾手法。那絢爛斑斕的色彩,光影交錯的紛繁,以極度奢侈的,成為了人們「逃避現實」的最好途徑。有人說,Art Deco是逃避現實的夢想家,它激發了人們內心隱藏最深處的浪漫因子,從而用來裝飾最平淡的生活,甚至是最不安穩的世代。此時人們的心靈開始尋找一個慰藉之所。靡靡的「夜上海」之聲,穿透出家仇與國恨。社會的甦醒,民族的吶喊,心靈的復甦,滲雜成一個最具現實意義的浮世繪。

Art Deco輻射狀的太陽光並不能照耀到每一個角落,經歷各種形式的演繹之後,它開始由「最豪華」回歸至「最簡潔」。回首間,人們發現,那幻變萬千的藝術表現形式,不過是Art Deco對城市生活中的機械與冷酷的回應。它可能誇張,可能耀眼,可能帶有傲慢的情緒,但無法否認的是,它們內心的激情,卻不壓抑。這時候,人們開始追憶20世紀30年代的美好,是為了重新燃起對於未來,對於生活的激情。


【木蘭Deco Gallery精彩演繹】



In September, Marianne the descendant of top jeweler Paul Fisher Inc., attended Mulan Deco Gallery Beijing with 150 pieces of Art Deco antique jewelry. Marianne stated in her presentation that it’s the brutal wars that had changed woman’s status in the society and re-discovered new fashion and trend with iconic Coco Chanel who re-shaped female fashion and image by “chic” concepts, namely, shingle, feathery accessories, long necklaces of pearl and jewelry, and clothes of smooth silhouette.
Jewelry design, the Art Deco featuring linear symmetry and geometry can no longer express their aspiration for freedom so they resorted to the exotic India for the most intricate decoration. The luminous gorgeous color, criss cross light and shadow provided a great “getaway” in the extremely luxurious way. Some say that Art Deco is an escapist fantast who intrigues the inner most romantic factors and uses them to adorn the mundane life, or even the tangled times.
After all manner of interpretation, Art Deco returned from the “most luxury” to “utter simplicity”. The passage of time, though over a hundred of years, couldn’t conceal Art Deco, the “escapist fantast” ’s sumptuous face. After all manner of interpretation, Art Deco returned from the “most luxury” to “utter simplicity”. When they started recalling the blossoming 1930s, they committed their emotions to Art Deco. To Zhang Jilan, the GM of Mulan, Deco Gallery Beijing who has been advocating art for life’s sake, the revival of Art Deco doesn’t bring people to the most primitive, instead, it’s a continuity of emotions elegance, exquisiteness, and flairs scattering in your world.


本文刊登於〈HER MAGAZINE〉, P.178~179 , Issue 18, Nov.2011。 


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